I contemplated passing this idea off as my own, but knew it would never fly. Firstly, you've probably seen this before - at least in variation. Also, you probably remember it from my 50 "I do"-able Gifts. And if you don't, well, go check out that round-up because there are a lot of great gifts there. (And I can say that without being considered arrogant because I had nothing to do with any of them except putting the links all together in one post.)

I love this idea. It's a wedding gift that comes together fast, looks cute, is nondiscriminatory of skill level, and is really just a good idea for pretty much any couple.
Remember this fab idea by Grace of Poetic Home?
Hers is an anniversary gift she presented her hubby on their second anniversary (another lovely idea for this present).
I'm sharing my version today.
Recently a girl from my ward got married out west and came home for a wedding reception (an adorable backyard reception, I must add). Now, this is a super cute girl I know from church but don't really know personally very well... considering she's about 10 years younger than me we kind of ran in different circles. Also, I had never even met her significant other. Anyway, I just wanted to throw that in there so you realize you don't have to be best friends with someone for this gift to be a success. Even if you don't know everything about the happy couple.
To make a Catalogue of Love, you'll need:
A box of some sort - in general, a recipe box is perfect
A toilet paper or paper towel tube
Card stock in white or off-white
Decorative embellishments of your favorite variety (as in cute stamps and colorful ink or washi tape)
A hole punch
This website (to create the card catalogue look)
First off, I have to admit that I found using the card catalogue generator way more fun than I probably should have, and definitely more fun than was intended. I kind of want to print everything I do on these cards...
Let's get down to business.
1. Decorate your box.
I used Mod Podge brand rub-ons. The one I chose says "PS I Love You" and then I added a heart as well. I thought it was appropriate since inside the box they'll collect little "notes" about their love story. Inside the lid I added a rub on that says "Love Notes".
I added one strip of washi tape for simplicity sake (I mean, we don't want to get all washi tape OBSESSED now, do we?) I liked the idea of decorating it with washi tape because it's impermanent. If she hates she can take it off, no sweat.
To add the washi tape I simple cut one piece a little longer than the length of the lid and edges. I placed it horizontally and tucked the ends of the tape around to the inside of the lid. Then I cut a piece of tape a little longer than the length of one side. I lined it up with the top piece and tucked the top edge of the tape into the inside of the box and tucked the bottom end of the tape around underneath on the bottom. I did this on the other side too so it looks like one continuous piece of tape wrapped around the box.
2. Create your content.
This is where the card catalogue generator becomes your best friend. You simply pick a few dates, add the date as the "call number" (which is then printed in red on the left side of the card) and pick a general theme for the day which becomes the "title" at the very top. If you want, you can add "notes" which are then added in different positions and scribbled handwriting for a bit more explanation of the day. Leave the rest of the card blank for the happy couple to fill in.
So how do you find dates when you aren't best friends with the couple? In my case, I turned to that uber pervasive destroyer of privacy, facebook. I pretty much trolled around her page like a scary stalker looking for special things they'd posted about each other and the correlating dates. I figured out the month they started dating, the day they got engaged, and other little tidbits - like the fact that they spent their first Valentine's Day apart and that they spent their first Christmas back here so hubby could meet her family. That kind of thing. Armed with this info, it was fairly easy to create some cards for their catalogue.
I gave them cards for: Christmas, Valentine's Day, the month they started dating (which I admit, I thought was also the month they met, but I was wrong... oops...), a few trips they took, the date of the proposal, their wedding day, their reception day, and cards for their first 5 anniversaries. I also included several completely blank cards without any information at all so they can fill in their own dates.
I also included a card (which turned into 2) that explained the gift and how they were to use it. I created our wedding card as well, because as I said before, I was having WAYYY too much fun. The whole family signed that card.
3. Prepare your cards.
Once you've generated your cards, save them to your computer and print them out on card stock. (I think off-white or cream colored card stock would have been better, but didn't think about that until after the fact.) Cut your cards out. Use a hole punch to punch out the little hole illustration to make them more authentic.
4. Embellish the cards.
I used some small stamps and colorful ink to make the cards a little more interesting.
5. Put it together.
Place your cards in chronological order with your explanation cards on top. Put these in the box.
6. Wrap it up.
For a little something extra, we gave them some cash as well. Because let's face it, we all know that's everyone's favorite wedding present. Then you can just go out and get what you want! Or, if you're poor and at least one of you is still a college student, you will use it to buy groceries and kitchen stapled neither one of you have as well as a garbage can and a shower curtain.
Cut your tube to the same length as the money. Roll your money up. (PS, I DID give them more than a 5er. I'm not THAT cheap.) Place your money in the tube. On one end, tuck a side in, then tuck the other side down on top of that so they just overlap. Do this to the other side, too. Instant free pillow box! Wrap it in some washi tape. Not because you're obsessed, but to tie everything together (figuratively).
To tie everything together LITERALLY, get some fancy ribbon and tie it around the box first (make a super pretty bow. Unlike me. How the heck do you people tie your perfect bows??) then use an extra piece to tie the pillow box on top.
Tape your card on top with washi tape. Voila! A cute, meaningful, simple, fast, thoughtful gift. How often can you say that??
*Be sure to check the right sidebar for all the fun parties I link to!
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