Monday, May 23, 2011

Drum roll please...

K.  I've got an announcement.  It's bound to change your summer, so listen up and listen good.  (Here's where my sister IL says, "You're pregnant." So, let's just get this out of the way now.  Nope.  Not pregnant.)  (Every time I want to tell my family something, she assumes that's what it is.  Jeez.)  Anyway...

No, nothing like that.  I just decided, with the help of my family, that I would be doing a little old series I would like to call:

Because it is, right?  Especially with summer fast approaching.  

Here's how it started:  We were eating some food.  Food that is usually considered outdoor/cookout/picnic type food.  And mr suggested I do a few weeks of said food item - different variations on a theme - if you will.  And because I don't do anything halfway, I thought I'd one up him and his novel ideas.  Why not turn it into a whole picnic type food SERIES?  Yeah.  That's right.  A food series.

But I couldn't leave it at that.  Because a series of any sort needs a link party, does it not?  A place for all of you to show off your picnic-related goods.  And maybe some of you don't cook.  So you'd like to show of something picnic-y but not food-y.  I say, heck yes.  Bring it on.  Picnicking umbrella?  Sure!  Picnicking blanket?  Well, yeah!  Picnicking game?  Love it.    Picnicking location, music, basket, clothes, drink, photos... you get the idea.  Whatever your picnic posts present - I want to see them, linked up to the "Life's a picnic" Link Party.  And it will go - are you ready? - ALL SUMMER LONG.  Oh, yes, you read that right.  All summer long.  All you have to do is use the permalink to the picnic post of your choice, and pop this little button up somewhere on your blog:

<center><a href=""><img src="" /></center>

You can link as many things as you want!  And rest assured, there will be plenty of highlight posts pulled from this linky.  I want to feature YOU!

And, because I figured you would be linking all different kinds of things, why should I limit myself to simply picnic FOOD?  This isn't really a foodie blog, after all.  So I'll be sharing some other picnic-related ideas as well.

Now, I do have a few notes about this here series.  Life is a picnic, sure, but not all the time - am I right??  So, no.  Not every single post I do from now until the end of summer will be picnic related.  But if it has the "Life's a Picnic" graphic at the top, you know what you're in for.  Food type "Life's a Picnic" posts will be limited to Mondays - the day I usually post my Yummy Mondays.  Some items in the picnic food posts will be from The Cookbook, but some will not. 

I will kick off this "Life's a Picnic" party next Monday, when I'll start a little "mini-series within the series" that I am calling:

One month of variations on the burger theme, with lots of "go with" ideas.  If you like cookouts, you won't want to miss those!

So, sorry I don't have any recipes for you today, but I promise to make up for it.

I do believe that covers the basics.  This Picnic Party will run from May 30th - August 30th: this includes the burger posts, other picnic food posts, picnic game ideas, and other picnic related DIY and craft projects as well as THE LINKY.  Look for it.  It's coming.

Oh, and because I'm like that, there will obviously have to be a giveaway of some sort as well.

*Be sure to check just below for all the fun parties I link to!


Two Shades of Pink said...

Ooooohhh this is exciting! I am planning a girly (??)picnic theme for my girls's birthday party (they have birthdays 2 weeks apart...thank you Lord for the funny)and this will be a great way to get ideas! WOO HOO!

Michelle L. said...

Ooh, fun! Can't wait to see all the picnicky goodness.

Kitty Deschanel said...

What a fun idea! :)

Unknown said...

haha! too funny! every time i CALL my SIL rather than just updating her with the latest family gossip via email...she IMMEDIATELY assumes i'm calling because i'm preggers...
can't imagine WHERE she'd get that idea...

Unknown said...

p.s.--super excited about the "Life's A Picnic" series!!!

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