bugaboo, mini, mr & me is now really SOMETHING. I went and got myself a facebook page. I did. Really. You can find it here:
Admittedly, I don't know what I'm doing with a facebook page. I don't follow many blogs on facebook, it's true. BUT I was inspired to jump on the bandwagon when I read a comment on someone else's blog about how this person only follow's via facebook so if the blog doesn't HAVE a page, they won't follow. So I thought, why not?
Now, when I figure out how to add those little button things to my blog that link right to my facebook, you'll find them on my sidebar. (Anyone want to help me out with that? Anyone? How do you find those little social networking button thingies?) Although, it'll probably be another 5 years or so before I finally give in and set up some kind of twitter thing...
Hope to see you there for all the insider information! You know. Cool stuff. Like project sneak peeks. Photos I don't post on the blog. Projects I finish that don't really make the cut. Giveaway announcements. Etsy shop discount codes. Features from readers. Crafty treasures I find online. Crazy kid antics. Whining. Some rambling. My favorite books. You know. Stuff like that.
Spread the word.

*Be sure to check just below for all the fun parties I link to!
Hi! Congratulations on the facebook page! It can be a good avenue to spread the word about things that you are doing- I know many family members of mine who don't read my blog but follow along on FB, so I don't blame your reasoning for starting one.
I "liked" your page via my Blog FB page- love it if you liked back!!
Congrats on the facebook page! I've thought about it and then remember that some days I barely keep my blog afloat ;) And then there's my sad neglected twitter... *sigh*
anyway, if you need a hand with the facebook button, let me know! Take a look at my social network buttons and let me know what you like!
(yup! I'm .com now!!! Also, really easy to do...)
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