No witty banter today. No unwitty banter today either. Just photos. Photos and exhaustion. Oh, and complaining and whining, obviously.
Want to scavenge with me? Check out these photo scavenger hunts at Ramblings and Photos.
The 5 Senses
when I see sunflowers, they make me happy. I love their color, and their small. I've never personally tasted one, I'll admit, but if you look closely you can see some sweet sweet nectar, which I know several insects crave. I suppose this is really only four senses, because you can't really hear a flower - BUT I for days I heard bug talk about how beautiful it was and how it looked like the sun every time wen sat at the table. Does that count? |
Child or children
believe it or not, she is actually laughing in this picture, not screaming :) |
a typical "Monday Food Fest" |
My first REAL attempt at night photography. Obviously I have a lot to learn on the subject, but since I just barely got myself a tripod, I figured I'd try it out. My camera is a P&S, so I'm not sure how to adjust things to make it any better, but what I like is the contrast in this photo. |
I like how this one turned out - especially the shadows. |
I thought I didn't have a picture for this one, but when I saw this shot, I realized I loved the clouds. |
Trendy Treehouse theme this week is "collage."
recently, I needed a current family photo taken, so we ran over to my sister's house so she could snap some shots quickly. Quick+kids+bad time of day=photo failure. Some of my favorite parts: all of the crazy shadows, the harsh light, trying to get the kids to look anywhere but at the ground, trying to get mr to stop squinting, the screaming two year old, mr's overly happy expression, the last ditch effort on the bottom in the middle where mr felt the need to grip bug in a headlock. Guess we'll have to try again some other time. |
iheartfaces is having "pink week" this week in honor of breast cancer awareness month. Here's my "pink" entry:
Last week I was pretty excited to find a new linky party with photos called "Scripture and a Snapshot." You can find it at
Katie Lloyd Photography. I thought it was a fun way to link my faith to one of my hobbies. Here's my contribution this week:
I wasn't sure if I'd get to finish this one or not, but I just completed it and wanted to add it. This is for The Paper Mama's challenge this week, which is "Black and White":
it appears mini has a new favorite food |
And this one? Well it's just because she's cute. And I was going to post it at the end of Friday's post, but forgot. Which is funny, considering what the post was about...
Is that hat not the cutest thing you have ever seen in your entire life??? Oh, and she's cute too. |
What amazing photos. You really have a gift. The one of the autumn leaves at night is especially stunning. I can't believe the camera still caught the color of those leaves even in the dark.
I love your photos, the sunflower is superb
Well I was going to say that I loved your children and sky shots for the scavenger hunt, but then you threw in a few others that have me all excited. I love all of the photos. Beautiful work this week.
What great perspectivs on all your shots this week! I especailly LOVE your sky :) Have a great week!
Lol, we took family photos yesterday... it's just me, the hubs, and the dog, but boy did she make it difficult! :]
Love your flower shot and the pink shot too!
Thanks for sharing
Here are my selections for the week.
Gorgeous photos! I love the dining photo and the first flower photo! Gorgeous! I put a flower for the 5 sense too and someone anonymously commented asking me if I could hear a flower... so I am happy to see that someone else had the same thinking as me!
Love the family shot collage. I had four small ones. It was rough getting them all to sit still. Now with them older it's so much easier. Thanks for linking up at Shutter Love
I love your 5 senses shot. I actually love your family pictures because they are real. :) Great job on all of them.
Just fanastic photos !!
Beautiful pictures! THat candy corn knit hat is just too cute!
I found you through your "pink" post (love the blue background)...thanks so much for sharing the "Scripture and a Snapshot" linky! Just what I've been looking for!
These photos are awesome, and I'm absolutely in love with your family portrait collage!
So many great photos! Love your collage...could have been our family!!
Erika B
So much talent... no wonder you're exhausted all the time!!!
Great photos! I love your children / night shots!!!!
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