Here are your random numbers:
13 10 8
Timestamp: 2010-09-14 01:37:47 UTC
(ok, I'm lame and haven't yet figured out how to make that cool little widget appear with the actual results on them, so you just get a lame list. But it's authentic, and that's what counts.)
Number 13 is:
Dixon Family (who's going to wear them to an upcoming wedding, if I make them cute enough.)
Number 10 is:
Jackie from House of Sarager (who's last name is NOT pronounced the way it is spelled)
Number 8 is:
Melissa from Those Northern Skies (who takes some pretty pictures)
Thanks for commenting, everyone! There were more than two of you, so that was a plus. Is it weird that I really had fun playing with the random number generator on Because I did. What was NOT fun, was the fact that I could only pick three winners. I wanted to make everyone something! I had so much fun, I think it's safe to say that there will be more giveaways coming up in the future. (not all the time, or anything... but everyone likes to win stuff, right?)
So, Dixon Family, Jackie, and Melissa, please send me an email letting me know what color(s) you like, if you want a headband, barrette, pin or earrings, (if you haven't yet) and where to send it so I can get them to you ASAP.
Happy my birthday, guys!
Yay! Congrats to the winners!
ps- I have NO idea how the widget works, I just use the Prnt Scrn button to copy the screen, then crop it down in picasa and upload it as a picture :]
And pss- not weird at all... I LOVE playing with it! :]
This is WAAAAAAY better than the lottery.
YES! Super pumped!
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