Friday, September 24, 2010

I fell off the face of the earth. Actually, my internet did.

It took like three days, but my internet is back now.  Is it sad and wrong that I missed it so?

On the upside I have about 50 bazillion posts to put up now.  Or so.  But FIRST, I promised you guys a goodie and I'm going to give you a goodie!

I'm sure you've all seen csnstores online by now.  (You haven't?  Where have you been??)

I personally have gotten completely lost on their site, touring their products:

everything from their modern bedding,

(I think my bed needs this duvet cover:

OR I may consider redoing my bedroom decor around this:)

And that's just the bedding!  I could go on and on about the other goodies I've found there, or you could just read this post all about that.

The good news is that after my review of their store, they offered to host a giveaway for all of my lovely readers, and yes, that means YOU!

#1.  Be a follower.  Not just any follower.  A follower of my blog.
#2.  Please leave a comment below telling me what you would do with your $35 gift card to csn stores (bonus points if you leave a link to it...) 
and I will use the really super fun random number generator to pick ONE LUCKY WINNER!  I'll leave the giveaway open until Tuesday evening (would be Monday, but this is posting late due to my lame internet.)

Bring a friend!  Tell your relatives!  Ready, set, go!

and if you came over from NFF at The Trendy Treehouse or Featuring You Friday at Sassy Sites, Welcome!

New Friend Fridays



Jill said...

I think I'd get 2 of these yoga blocks!

Eco Wise Fitness Yoga Block

Jill said...

Oh yeah, I'm a follower too!

Mandi @ Vintage Revivals said...

I am so glad that you are back! I am totally a follower!

Mandi @ Vintage Revivals said...

I would use the $35 for new bedding for my daughters room!

Mandy England said...

Of course I follow you, lady! :]

Mandy England said...

I would DEFINITELY get this as a Christmas present for my grandpa! Fingers crossed! :]

Unknown said...

I am your newest follower from the blog hop. I hope you can follow back at
God Bless,

Page said...

I love, love your taste in bedding!!! We have been looking for the perfect modern comforter cover forever. I also checked out CSN, and I would use the $35 towards a hammock!! We have a patio with nothing on it, and I would just love one of these!

I am stopping by from New Friend Fridays, and I'm your newest follower! Have a great weekend!

Kelsey said...

I would LOVE to get a new sheet set! Flannelette looks pretty good to me!
I'm a follower too!

Anonymous said...

Of course I follow you!

I'd start Christmas shopping early...well, early for ME...and get this for a.

Then I'd buy myself something shiny. A girl can never have too many shiny things.

Bree said...

I am in desperate need of new pots & pans, so I would absolutely have to put it to good use & get some replacements!

Unknown said...

Did you get to do another giveaway! Rad pants! I want to do one!

I also want to buy bedding for my sons room!

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