(No, I'm NOT kidding. They really did ask for seconds. For real.)
Do you have picky eaters at your house? Do you opt for ease/minimal time commitment when it come to lunch? Does the idea of creating any kind of pasta dish that does NOT come out of a royal blue box with yellow lettering on it around noon make you shudder? Would you feed your children peanut butter and jelly every single day if you, yourself would not get sick of it by day two?
I have a solution.
I know, I usually share some kind of dinner entree. Or dessert. But the thing is, this is a dinnertime taste with a lunchtime effort. Pretty perfect, right? Did I mention that your kids will ask for seconds?
Sound too good to be true? I swear it's not. The secret is in the seasonings, kids.
We've had this for dinner in many variations and every time we do bug informs we that we need to make it more often. As I sat staring at an empty pot around lunch time the other day - no, really, I was standing in front of the stove staring at the empty pot - I was tempted to make some more mac and cheese. But I really didn't want to. And then I had an epiphany.
What we generally call mommy pasta (or pasta a la kim if we are being really fancy) is the perfect lunch food too! If you have lunchtime dilemmas like I do, you'll be grateful for the recipe.
Variations? You could even add broccoli or uncut green beans (we did that once, and mini asked me for "more flower stems, please and thanks") if you want to feel healthy. If you want to feel even healthier, you can omit the cream cheese entirely. I promise they'll still think it's yummy, it's just not creamy.
No, no, YOU'RE the best! Really! No, YOU are! Well, ok. I'll take it. Thanks.

*Be sure to check the right sidebar for all the fun parties I link to!
Another good one! This sounds scrumptious. I would totally do the broccoli!
We do the homemade cheesy pasta at home ALL the time and it's a family favourite 'cause it's so easy to make and so YUMMY to eat. I always eat it super-fast so that I can beat the boys to a second helping... Terrible, but true.
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