Today we continue on with our golden birthday related tutorials! This one is super easy, too, so it's not so much a tutorial as a "look at this thing I did that you probably already thought of!"
While I was in the throes of making decor for El's birthday, I realized I had need of purple/white/gold washi tape in a variety of patterns. This was a massive problem. Why? First off, I could not find washi tape in any store anywhere. (Note to craft stores: HELLO?? Are you completely blind to the crazy washi trend?? What's with you??) 2. It was the week of the party. So I couldn't order something online and be assured it would get there in time, let along with enough time to complete the decoration. C. Washi tape gets pricey people. At least it can. And if I got about 3 different rolls (which I'm thinking is about what I would have needed for the look I wanted) it would run me ABOUT $9 plus shipping. And that's on the conservative side, because we all know 1) I would never stick to ordering just three and B) shipping costs an arm and a leg and a first born child.
So what are you to do when you have no washi tape to match your decor and aren't willing to part with your arms, legs or first born?
Make your own! I was in Office Max, searching for little round white labels for the favors when I happened upon this:
That, my friends, is paper tape in a dispenser. I mean, that's not what it's called. It's called something like "Label Roll" or whatever and is Post It brand. It is a long roll of paper with a sticky back, so you can make your own labels to the size you need. I decided that although it wasn't EXACTLY like washi tape (a lot thicker and sturdier) I could draw my own designs and probably use it the same way. And it was only about $4, which wouldn't break the bank.
First, you'll lay a long strip of tape on a smooth flat surface. The tape is removable so it won't permanently stick to anything.
Once you have several pieces of tape laid out, you can start drawing! Use sharpie markers and pens and it'll be permanent and won't smear.
And, well, uh, that's it. Ta-da! Would you like to see what I used mine for?
Cute little skewer flags! I had decided that all of the food at the party (minus the cake, of course) would be on sticks. So I needed to make them adorable.
1. Cut a piece of tape about 5 inches long or so. Lay it sticky side up. Place the flat end of the skewer on the middle of the tape.
2. Fold one side over the skewer, sandwiching it in between the tape. Press hard and smooth it out.
3. Using a scissors or craft knife, cut the tape into a point, like a little pennant.
4. Decorate the flag, if it isn't already. On my blank white flags I wrote things like "yum!" "bon apatite!" "veggies" "fruit" "bruschetta" and "enjoy!" I also used some of the tape that had already been decorated.
Also of note, on pinterest I found this super fun idea for dyeing skewers whatever color you want, originally posted on Rock UR Party by Tablespoon. So I tried it out. I dyed mine purple and they each turned out just a slightly different tint... I love the results. I don't know if anyone else noticed it but me and the birthday girl (and my husband who had to work around drying skewers when he cleaned the kitchen) but even so, it was worth the little effort it took.
More about the actual food on Friday!
I also used the washi tape to connect the little paper triangles I cut to yarn, making a bunting.

*Be sure to check the right sidebar for all the fun parties I link to!
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