Whew! I am late out of that gate tonight! I had a last minute sewing emergency involving a certain 4 year old and an irresolvable incongruence about whether tomorrow is white day or purple day at school...
Anyway. Are you ready to see some
First, I'd like to share a little pinaholic confession.
Bye Bye Birdie fans out there? Anyone? Anyone? Bueller? Bueller? Ah, well. I can't help it, I still think of old school letter sweaters, poodle skirts and saddle shoes when someone talks about pinning someone.
First in our "very Pinteresting" list, I'd like to share something I pinned a very looooong time ago - so it defies the whole "things I pinned this week" rule (which isn't really a hard and steadfast, anyway, more like a guideline). I can't help it, I have to show you because recently - like within the past two weeks it's gone positively VIRAL. In my opinion, anyway.
This simple yet ingenious little housewarming gift idea was pinned from Just Make Stuff. It's gotten 1319 repins and 248 likes from my pin alone. It's pretty cool. I admit.
I found an awesome blog to follow because of pinterest. It's called Remade Simple. And it has ridiculously cool projects on it. Like this cook bottle vase art thing. Which I believe she calls "Wall Mounted Vases" because it sounds better.
Ok. This isn't quite the same as my normal pins, but I just have to show you this. It's probably one of the most useful and coolest sewing related things I've pinned lately and it will definitely turn me into a circle skirt making machine. MACHINE, I tell you.
SUPER cute Valentine's Day gift idea for your main squeeze. I know, they aren't always super sentimental, but this idea seems easy to do with some very cute results. You're allowed to make him be sentimental once a YEAR, right?
And this quote? I think I'll print it out and hang it by my sewing machine. For weeks like these that just get me down. Without dumping you with unnecessary emotional baggage, I've had a hard week. Ever get the feeling that nothing you do will measure up to anything worthwhile, let alone the amazing things you see other people do... let alone you're a blob of a mom who can't do anything right... let alone you're just plain tired and don't want to get out of bed? Let alone, you use so many run-on sentences and repetitious phrases your English Lit. professor would cringe? Well, if so, then try to remember this:
Are you gearing up for the 31st??? Yea! What??? What's on the 31st, you ask? Only the most pinteresting party around! Yep. Come link up anything you've made that was inspired by something you pinned on pinterest! I'll be showing something off, too! (Hopefully...)
This first party is on a Tuesday, to give me more time since I totally procrastinated. But usually, we'll do the party on a Thursday, AND here's the big news. Ready? Ok, it's not that big. Get excited anyway. I've decided to open the party up on the FIRST THURSDAY OF EVERY MONTH. Then people can link up their pinteresting creations ALL MONTH LONG! Then on the last Thursday, not only will I show off MY pinteresting creation, but a few others from the party as well!
Phew. Glad I finally pinned that down. Bahahaha!
I need bed.

*Be sure to check the right sidebar for all the fun parties I link to!
1 comment:
So glad you loved my vases! Thanks for pinning :)
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