It's here! It's finally here! The highly anticipated and much talked about premier of the Very Pinteresting Party! Whoop, whoop!
So. Here's the deal. Have you made a project inspired - in total or in part - by something you pinned on pinterest? (And don't go acting like you don't know what I'm talking about. I know you're as addicted to pinterest as I am.) If so, you've come to the right party. Link up your pinspiration here! The overview: I will share the pinterest project I've tackled this month, in photos here in the party post. You, too, will share yours by linking to the party.
Starting next month, the Very Pinteresting party will start on the first Thursday of the month and continue until the END of the month, i.e. the LAST Thursday, at which time I will highlight several projects from that months party AND post pictures from my own project. If my project was inspired by a pin, but changed enough to warrant it, I will post a tutorial for the pinspired project the next day (or the day after that...)
I reserve the right to share my pinspired projects at a different time if so deemed appropriate. But I'll always open and close the party and feature projects on the same days.
I ask only two things from you who want to link up:
1. Link to the POST, not your main page. I want to be able to find your incredible projects.
2. Put my button somewhere. Anywhere. Invite everyone to come. A party's more fun with more people!

<center><a href=""><img src="" /></center>
And that's it!
SO. Here's my project du jour...
This month, I chose to emulate this lovely little sweater refashion from Homemade Ginger.
Adorable, right?
Ready to laugh?
Attempt 1:
Got this far, then threw it in the trash. (Sorry for the crummy phone pic. It wasn't worth editing...)
Well, except the arms which I made into fuzzy little legwarmers for the girl. Just a note, when you copy someone, don't expect your project to have the same results if you don't use the same materials. Duh. When I went searching in my stash for some sweaters to upcycle, I couldn't find a single one I really liked the looks of. Which is weird since I know for a fact that I have about 2.3 million (or so) sweaters down there somewhere. So I grabbed this one. BAAAAD idea. It's made out of that soft stuff those fuzzy socks are made out of... what is that stuff? Well, whatever it is, it does NOT refashion well.
Attempt 2:
Much better. mr actually complimented this one - twice I think - ON HIS OWN. Like without me saying, "Hey, look I made this! (ps, this is where you get really excited and tell me how awesome I am...")
I liked it very much. ALTHOUGH, I DID sew the first cuff on inside out and had to cut it off and retry, which made the cuffs slightly smaller than I'd wanted. They're also kind of stretched out... any suggestions for how to avoid that?
BUT, it wasn't quite right, you know? I liked it, it was nice and simple and straightforward, but... it just wasn't THERE yet.
Attempt 3:
I found it! Finally, when searching for something completely different, I located the sweater I knew I had somewhere that I was positive would be perfect for this project. It was a wool sweater I'd already accidentally shrunk, so it was nice and felted - which made it really easy to work with. Even though I'd shrunk it, it was still too big for mini, so I did have to recut and sew it down to her size. I even had some leftover pieces to add the ruffles in front - like my inspiration!
It isn't perfect, by any means. I need to take the shoulders and collar in a bit. You may be seeing some alterations and a tutorial for the second attempt later on.
So, round one was a success! Thank goodness. And it only took three tries.
If you want some sweater refashion inspiration, along with some very helpful particulars, see these as well:
So what did you make???

*Be sure to check the right sidebar for all the fun parties I link to!
What a cute sweater re-do!
Apparently I am the last one on this planet to know about Pinterest. This is such a great party. Oh, and thank you for visiting my blog.
I'm coming I'm coming!!! I'm crocheting furiously to finish my project!!!
okay, i'm linking my girls' room here. because. so there. i'm linking it everywhere i can. mainly cause i love it. ;) but i'll be back with another project. hehehe.
Love this! I started a board to shift those things that I've done onto it. :) Love the challenge. I am sure I will try to participate but I need to get my blog up and running first. :)
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