Our guest today has SKILLZ people. Lisa throws a mean party, gives old clothes new life, whips up cute crafts out nothing... she's like a crafty superwoman. When I finally discovered her blog - Grey Luster Girl - a few years ago, I realized I'd been pinning like ALL of her stuff without even knowing it... ha! She's got a super cute idea for you today!
I started by taking in a men's shirt. If you need help taking in a big shirt you can check out this post I did. After I took it in I cut off the collar. I followed the tutorial from New Stitch a Day on How to Crochet a Circle and Picot Edging. Using a G hook, I followed the instructions which called for me to start a chain in multiples of 5 plus 1. I crocheted until my chain went the length of my collar. It ended up being 56. If I were to do it again I think I would do 61 stitches. I followed the tutorial. It was not perfect but I tried my best. I pinned the yarn collar onto the shirt and sewed it on with my sewing machine. I didn't sew every piece, just the outline of the crocheted part.
So far it has held up well! I have even washed it and it still looks like new.
Thanks for having me Kimberly! If you want to see more of my refashions and DIY projects, stop by my blog greylustergirl.com !
Thanks Lisa! What a super cute way to spruce up a boring t! Gotta love all of her upcycled ideas!

*Be sure to check the right sidebar for all the fun parties I link to!
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