A few weeks ago I had the thrilling opportunity to guest post on A Girl and a Glue Gun for her cool Food Friday series. It was pretty much the bomb. If you missed it (pshhhaw) OR if you want to see it again because it looks so delicious, here it is!
Hello! I'm the me over at bugaboo, mini, mr & me - my name's Kim (which is the best name, am I right?). I love to share my creative endeavors and I'm not ashamed to bear it all; the triumphs, the failures, the bad days, the REALLY bad days, and the insanity... I'm a writer, a wife to my polar opposite and best friend, a theatre major/wannabe budding actress turned SAHM to my 3 beauties, and a lover of yellow. I craft, sew, bake, snapshot, and blog to stay sane and the truth is, I'm in love with the creative process - from beginning to finished result (whether good or bad) I just love the journey. Furthermore, I'm beyond thrilled to be here on my namesake's blog sharing a delicious one of a kind recipe with you today! (No, really. THRILLED. As you read this, I am likely giggling stupidly with giddy schoolgirl excitement. I'll just let you picture that before we proceed shall I? Ok, moving on.)
My mother is an amazing cook - as I'm sure many of our mother's are - and she has, fortunately, handed down a few of her cherished recipes. When I'm feeling particularly blue, all I want is some good old-fashioned comfort food, a la mom - chicken and dumplings, creamy mac and cheese, cheesy broccoli soup, skin-on smashed potatoes, pecan bars... well, the list could go on and on, but I'm already drooling so I should stop. Anyway, if there's one recipe that stands out from my childhood, it's hands down
Yep. That's right. Porridge. Straight from the bear family's table. Don't ask me how my mom got their recipe, but she did and every single Thanksgiving morning I awoke to a steaming bowl of this delicious, creamy, fluffy, heavenly goodness and ate my fill while watching tiny people being pulled along by giant balloons as the Rockettes did a high-kick I could only duplicate in my dreams.
Fast forward to my wedding day, when the secrets of this delectable breakfast concoction were bestowed upon me - with a very serious charge to never. NEVER. reveal the secret of the woodland carnivores or a pox be upon my head.
Perhaps it's this never-ending, bone-chilling, soul-sucking, dreary, arctic winter (no seriously. We've gotten over 60' of snow here) but I find myself craving Three Bears' Porridge pretty much constantly and though I always considered it only a Thanksgiving treat, I admit to making it much more often because the real secret behind this delicious breakfast? IT'S SO DECEPTIVELY EASY.
Without further ado, here's the recipe - in a printable 3x5 recipe card just for you!
So, you know, if you're all healthy or whatever you could just cut up some fresh peaches or throw in some raspberries or blueberries or what have you. When I was a kid my mom always added fruit cocktail - but she knew how much I hated the mushy, warm grapes so she'd pick them out for me. Now THAT'S love.
I'm just going to give you this tip right now. Make a double batch. Trust me.
Excuse me a moment please...
So there. I've given up the secret. Just don't tell my mom. I don't want a pox on my head.

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