Like, I'd have pay someone to take it off my hands.
I have GOT to send out the prizes from the giveaways here, people. The winners have got to get the goods! There is no time to waste! I leave on vacation soon! Someone has to take this darn necklace!
So, since my last two picks have not worked out, the first person to leave a comment on this post gets the necklace. Ready... go!
And if no one comments, well, I'm keeping it. So there.
Ooooo, also. My comment moderation is ON, so even though it may look like there are no comments on this post, there may be comments on this post before you make your comment and I just haven't published it yet. The FIRST comment means first one in my inbox. (Sorry for any confusion this causes, but you know SPAM)

*Be sure to check just below for all the fun parties I link to!
oh.... Pick me!!!!!
oh! pick me!!!!!
i will take it for rainey as an easter gift she loves stuff like that
you can hand deliver it to me
can't understand why no one has posted.
I will take it :)
I'll take it!! :)
I'd love to have it!
You crack me up. Seriously.
Have a great time on vaca, Kimberly! Maybe you should require an email from anyone who enters your giveaway, then you can write them?
darnit! i'm always too late! :(
HI!! the necklace is really unique !! I love it.!!
My email is
You can visit my blog here
HOpe you have a great vacation. My husband and I will be going to Texas this summer !! where he is from! I'm super excited. I am also a follower of your cute blog !
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