I've had a few questions about Scavenger Hunt Sundays and where I get my prompts for the photos. I realized I may have been a bit unclear about it recently, and wanted to make sure you all knew to go to Ramblings and Photos for all the information. Ashley Sisk is the brains behind it all, and you won't regret your trip over there. Not only does she take beautiful photos, give great information, and host Scavenger Hunt Sunday linky party, but she's really encouraging and very nice as well. So click on the little button and join in!

Before and After
I took the kids to our holiday parade the other night with my mom. The only spot we could find was at the very end, so we had a lot of time before it started. I snapped this shot, to remember just how we do holiday parades here in the near arctic, but it was night time, I don't have a DSLR and it's hard to adjust my camera for that kind of lighting without using a glaring flash. So the light from the streetlight gave the whole picture a greenish cast. I spruced it up by airbrushing some of the grain away, clarifying the image, making it black and white, boosting the contrast and pumping the exposure a bit, and adding a "focal zoom" from picnic. Oh, and I also erased something that was bugging me... can you tell what it was??? All in all, not the best picture, but made usable through editing.
Opposing lines
So this was the first picture I took for opposing lines. BUT then I was editing the one below for a different prompt and as I looked at it I realized I liked it much better for opposing lines:
Custom Bokeh
Arg! This is so hard without a real camera!! So basically I just played around with bokeh in picnik.
Which pair of shoes should I wear?
More importantly, which feet should I wear them on?
Little Features
For this prompt I thought I'd use a tilt-shift technique on some of the pictures I took at the state park we went to as a family. This was my favorite of the bunch - but I swear I could play around with tilt-shift all day. I also thought this one was kind of interesting (although I used it above for opposing lines, just without the tilt shift and bokeh):
*Be sure to check just below for all the fun parties I link to!
Great photos! I love the little boots. My son asks every night if he can sleep in his rain boots. :) Also, I love the before/after and second opposing lines photos. So cute!
I love that tilt shift thing you did! I have never heard of it but I certainly want to find out now. :) Your black and white turned out great. It was fun trying to figure out what you took out. ~
Great set - I really like your little features!
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