Today I was jolted by the discovery that summer break is nearly at an end. I haven't done half of things I planned to do by the end of summer - projects, trips, kid stuff, home and family organization, planning, etc, etc, etc...
It was a rude awakening. And still, I'm excited at the same time. The end of summer break means that fall will settle upon us soon, in all it's crisp freshness. I was always a summer girl at heart, and it's only been in the past two years that I've felt this welcoming of Autumn - instead of utter dread. It also means that soon there will be another cute little face around here during the days since I will be caring for my niece when my sister and brother IL go back to teaching. We have missed her peppiness - especially bug.
So although I am suddenly feeling EXTREMELY overwhelmed with all I hope to squeeze into a week, I'm not begrudging the impending end of summer "freedom." And that is a happy feeling. So, on to happy photos to commemorate!
at Ramblings and Photos
Against the Light
It seems there is always one prompt I just can't stick to one photo on... and so I'm including all of my attempts this time, since I can't decide.
mini in the sprinklers at the park. It was only last week that she and bug finally decided they weren't atrocious torture devices bent on their destruction. Much to my enjoyment. |
Same sprinkler... I just liked how the light played off the water. Wish I knew how to capture that better.
Looking up through the tree in my backyard. Could I replicate this lighting, contrast, brightness, depth of field? I WISH. |
Frame Within a Frame
I admit it. I got nothing for this one. Does this count at all? Maybe kinda?
On Friday we played at a park in a small town near where we live. They had this awesome old school playground - the kind that has long been replaced by "safer" plastic monstrosities. I was ecstatic to find all of my old favorites - including this wonderfully tall and dangerous metal slide! Even the ladder brought back memories... |
Best Part of My Day
When mr gets home, bar none.
So, this is an awful picture, I know, thanks to that awesome huge blue sprinkler in the middle... but it was the only one that had all three of them in it... so I had to use it. This is why it's the best part of my day. Not only do I love family time, but I love that the kid don't out number me once mr's home for the evening! |
As in "cute as"?? That's what we're going with...
I love this girl. I decided that since the playground we were at was so old school, I'd edit this photo in an antique-ish way with some texture, adjusting the brightness, the softness, and the vintage look. And does it count because not only is she cute as a button, but she's wearing three as well? I do believe there have been farther stretches... like this next one... |
I'll admit it. I forgot about this one...
But I do have some great animal pictures from going to many zoos all summer long with the kids. Not only do the zebras stripes look painted on with black ink, but I decided to try the sketch-type edit... so it kind of looks hand drawn. In any case, I discovered an editing tool I think I may play with in the future. |
Paper Mama's theme this week is "eyes."
I had a hard time deciding on this one... but finally went with this shot of bug. Why I love his eyes? Well, first, because they are so pretty... but ALSO because of this: he mainly has his father's eyes - they are the same shape and obviously blue. BUT where MY eyes are green with blue around the pupil, HIS eyes are blue with green around the pupil. And I think that's pretty much the bomb. |
*Be sure to check just below for all the fun parties I link to!
I gotta say I am SO EXCITED for FALL!!!!! :) Love your sprinkler shot...and the ladder I couldn't stop looking at that photo. Very cool!
Great set! Love the shot on the swing! Adore his eyes!
Such cool work this week. I'm loving the best part of your sweet and I love the processing. ink is really cool too!
Those are all gorgeous!
Great work. I really like buttons
Great set, love the leaf for against the light, just gorgeous lighting. Cool vintage playground, great perspective. I love the cute as a button shot of your daughter, and your son's eyes are just beautiful.
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