Wednesday, December 4, 2013

No, really. It's still me. I swear.

Sorry.  I got my days all confused this week, didn't I?  Well, I'm just a bit behind, and you already know that, so it's all good.

Holidays are coming.  No, actually, they're here.  Are you going to gain the typical 10 pounds this season?

I likely am.  Because I love cookies.  And have no will power.

But that's not what this recipe is about.  This recipe is about something I made THAT IS ACTUALLY HEALTHY - cue falling over after being tapped with a wet noodle - and furthermore, TASTES GOOD.

Now that you've picked yourself up off the floor and settled back in your chair, YES.  You read that right.

I give you: GREEK DIP.

It's like Taco Dip.  But not as many calories.  So better for you.  AND TASTIER!

Ok, I won't make that claim.  They're both tasty.  I love me some taco dip.  But the amazing thing about this is, I love Greek Dip just as well!  Like, most of the time I DESPISE the "healthy substitute" thing - A LOT.  But this substitute is totally reasonable.  

I guess you could say I like it DESPITE it being healthy.

I bet you want the recipe.  Well, here's the sad part.  I don't have a printable recipe card for you today.

But here's the happy part.  You don't even need one.  I bet you can memorize it right now.  Ready?

1 8-12 oz container of Roasted Red Pepper Hummus
6 oz cherry tomatoes, sliced
4 oz kalamata olives, sliced
10 oz baby spinach, washed, then sliced into thin strips
4 oz feta cheese, crumbled
OPTIONAL: 2-4 T balsamic vinaigrette 

Baked Pita chips/crackers

Spoon the hummus into the bottom of a 9x13 pan and spread it out evenly.  Toss on the cherry tomatoes, then the olives.  Layer on the baby spinach.  Sprinkle evenly with the feta cheese.  If using the vinaigrette, sprinkle it over the whole thing evenly.  Serve with baked pita chips.

So, the thing is, all those "measurements" up there are approximations and should be taken worth a grain of salt.  It's just to give you an idea, and you should really just add what you like in the amount you like it.  I usually don't add the vinaigrette, but have in the past and it adds a fun little kick.

I do not make my own hummus, though I've heard it's easy to do.  You know what's even easier than making your own hummus?  Buying your own hummus.  Yep.  Premade.  And I've had really good luck with both the Aldi and Costco roasted red pepper hummus's.  Hummis?  Hummies?  Whatever.  You could also switch it up and use your favorite hummus flavor - I like roasted garlic hummus as well, and pine nut hummus is pretty good too.  Roasted red pepper is definitely my favorite though.

I never thought I'd willing eat something so darn good for me.  Let alone, like it.

Take this instead of taco dip.  And maybe we'll only gain 5 pounds instead of 10.

*Be sure to check the right sidebar for all the fun parties I link to!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sounds delicious! Thanks for the recipe. :)

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