Welcome to installment 2 of "Instagramming" with Kimberly! Today I've got some more of my early instagram shots. Hopefully very soon I'll be able to start posting recent ones!
You will soon be able to tell that I take waaaaaay to many photos...
These first two illustrate what happens when you run head first into a moving swing. No one was on said swing, and the seat part caught mini squarely in the eye. At first I laughed because the action looked so ridiculous... but then I saw how bad it was. Poor thing. If she had closed her eye you could get a better idea of how bad it was. She's still smiling though!
And here's miss Zoe free falling down one of the steepest slides I've ever seen. It looks like she could be crying in the photo, but I guarantee she is laughing her head off.
And a shot from that same day at the same park. She's just so adorable. And I have a thing for sunflares. Ever since I learned what they were.
Ok, maybe I'm weird, but I love this one. I love K's little boot as she runs away after sliding down the slide. I love K's reflection in the inside of the slide - one on the bottom, one on the side.
A typical Sunset on the lake near where we live. Aren't the colors delicious? Ok. I admit. There was a water tower in this photo. And a big power line thing. Can you tell where???
This was taken in the same spot as the lighthouse picture from last week. This is a bridge leading over to the little island the lighthouse is on.
Different portion of the same lake. Kids can make fun anywhere, I swear. I let them throw sticks in the water and it entertained them for... well, I don't even know how long.
Zoe preferred to watch from a bench. She threw a few, but they didn't make it far.
This is Ezra's "contemplative look". He wears this pretty frequently actually.
You can view my instagram account on my online gallery here, at instajelly.com:
If you'd like to follow me on instragram, my username is bugabooblog.
Do you instagram? Let me know so I can follow you!

*Be sure to check the right sidebar for all the fun parties I link to!
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