This is my tribute to boys, part II. Every boy needs some accessories. I can’t put ruffles and bows on all his clothes, but I can make him a froggy carryall. I can’t make him cute jewelry, like ruffled hair clips and bracelets, but I can make him what I call a Paleolith. That’s the brand name, though. What it is is a kid friendly watch. No bracelets for this manly man.
I got the idea from this post on the MADE blog. It was posted by guest blogger, Laura of Alice in La La Land. She sells her super ridiculously cute version in her shop, which you can find here. I don’t have permission to use her pictures on my blog, so I’m not going to do it without asking. You’ll have to click on the link to see this really, really adorable inspiration. You won’t be sorry.
Anyway, I love the idea of giving my kids accessories - obviously - so I set out to make a watch for bug.
I decided to make mine a little more sturdy and “grippable.” (gripable? grip-able? Able to be gripped....) Unfortunately, this also made it gargantuan, because the only sturdy materials I had on hand were pretty large.
Here’s what I did.
1. I found a lid from an old Karo Syrup jar (very old).
2. I laid it out on the white felt and cute a circle around it large enough that it would cover the edges.
3. I cut out two little hands from green felt (green happens to be bug’s favorite color), picked out a dark metallic brad (very manly), poked a hole in the center of the white felt circle and the ends of the two hands and attached them all together.
4. Then I hot glued the white circle to the top of the lid.
5. I cut in from the edge of the white circle to the lid, making strips all the way around.
6. Then I traced, cut and hot glued a piece of chipboard to the bottom of the lid.
7. I hot glued the strips of white felt around the edges of the lid, to the back of the lid (onto the chipboard).
8. I used a fabric marker to make the markings around the face.
**NOTE:The idea was for the hands to be moveable. Good in theory. Well, they’re extremely stationary. When I realized they would not be able to move and I’d have to just choose a time for it to be perpetually, I picked nap-time - one of my favorite times of the day!
9. I then cut the buckle off of a very old, lacy, really small belt. I realize the scroll work on the buckle is slightly girly. But bug will not realize that. So don’t tell him. (I didn’t have a lot of little belt buckles to choose from on half price Monday at St. Vinny’s!)
10. I cut a strip of brown felt for the watch strap. I folded and glued one end around the buckle and poked holes in the other end of the strap.
11. I wanted to add some detail to the watch, a la Fossil (this watch found here, except not pink, obviously. That’s not manly):
So I laid the watch face on some green felt and cut a circle slightly bigger than the watch face. I glued this to a circle of chipboard to add sturdiness, glued on the face, and then glued two tiny metallic buttons on either side of the face
(like those little screws, you know, these:)
12. I added the name brand tag, and presto! The Paleolith watch series was born!
I plan to make a smaller version of this, more like the inspiration pieces. It will not be as three-dimensional or as thick and hardy, but it will probably fit bug’s tiny wrist much better. Unfortunately, I didn’t get a picture of bug having fun with the watch yet, as he went to bed before I finished it. You will have to settle for my larger and not nearly as cute hand. I’ll make the second watch and take pictures of the watch in action and share them later.
Now you may think, wow. An entire project and nothing went wrong! But I’ve been saving this mistake for last. Can you believe I glued the face on like this???
Yes, that’s right, the watch face is now 45 degrees off... der.
Anyway, at some point, bug will figure out that the hands are not, in fact, moving. He will realize that the watch really isn’t giving him the correct time of day. But for now, it’s always nap time.
I may make a girl version for mini and K.

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