One of my current obsessions is repurposing.  Everything.  It began as an economic necessity and grew to a creative outlet of epic proportions.  I visit the St. Vinny's in my town at least once a month, and that's only one of my thrifty hotspots!  (St. Vinny's is the best, I think, though, because of half price Mondays once a month!)  Anyway, I'm a beginner when it comes to salvaged goods and I don't own a lot of the proper tools to get some of the jobs done.  This leads to a lot of improvisation and, naturally, some sticky situations.  I'm always so proud to view one of my finished creations.  Watching it grow from the horribly disfigured before into a beautiful and useful after is, after all, what the creative process is all about!  My methods may be kooky, I am self taught and far from the authority on repurposed anything, but I'm including some of my projects, the processes I underwent and the aftermath.

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