Tuesday, May 5, 2015

canvaspop Review! And giveaway! Woo-hoo!

This is the best post ever.

Not to toot my horn.  Actually, this post has very minimal parts me and many more parts something SPECTACULAR - so I'm not really tooting my own horn.

Really I'm tooting canvaspop's horn.  

Have you been to CanvasPop before?  I admit it, I had not.  I'd often thought of getting a photo printed on canvas, but the prices scared me.  And I didn't know where to go, there are so many options out there.  And what if I spent all that money and hated it?  The unknowns were just too much.

So I'm going to help you out: go to canvas pop.  And not just because I've got a nice little discount code for you (which you can find at the bottom of this post, you're welcome).  Let me tell you a little somethin' somethin' about canvaspop.

You can do so much!  Honestly.  It's crazy.  So, first of all, you can upload a photo from your computer OR straight from instagram or Facebook.  It doesn't matter the size or resolution, they work with nearly anything and they'll let you know if it's not going to work out.  Then, there's the customization.  You can order canvas prints with or without text, collages, mosaics, triptych canvas's... the possibilities are pretty much up to you and your creative mind.  You can add shapes as well as text.  Or filters!  And they've also got different border options.  You can choose to have it printed on paper or canvas and have it framed or unframed.  Nextly, they've got deals going on often, which is super nice if you're afraid of a canvas price tag as I used to be.  They've also got an option to chat live with a rep if you need customer service - which I didn't - but if you do, how easy is that?!  Oh, also, they have a 100% "love it" guarantee.  

I'd also like to point out how user-friendly their site is.  They walk you through all the steps so you can create exactly what you want.  Everything's laid out perfectly, with no guess work.

And by now you're like, so what?  Show us the money!!  So I will.  Remember the other day when I shared my foray into taking my own family photos (which I will never do again)?  I alluded to being on a deadline for getting them done and this is why.  I really wanted an updated photo where Pip isn't a tiny newborn.  So I weeded through all the outtakes, got the mr's opinion and chose this guy:

And I got this awesome 16x20 canvas:

And it's pretty much perfect.

I was so excited to open it up when it arrived... here it is all specially bubble wrapped.

One awesome thing I wasn't aware of is that the canvas's all come ready to hang.  Did you know you're not technically supposed to hang a canvas from the actual canvas frame?  Yeah, I did not.  Fortunately they had this totally official hanging hardware already on there

AND they included a nail/hanger thingy.  So I didn't have to go get anything - except my hammer and that was just in the garage.  Woo hoo!

They also have these soft rubbery circles on the corners of the canvas to protect your wall.  Or the canvas.  Or... huh... well, they're cool.

And look at how nicely these corners are wrapped.  I've tried those DIY wrapped canvas's.  They don't look like this.  (At least mine don't).

I opted for the photo wrapped edges, but you could get black or white if you prefer.

Then I just hammered the hardware into the Giant Green Wall, and voila!

Here is my awesome family canvas above my piano.  (admittedly, it probably won't stay there, since we have big plans for the Giant Green Wall - teaser, teaser! Project coming! - but it will get a place of honor, for sure.)  

So.  Now that you've seen how great canvaspop is, you want a canvas, don't you?  I don't blame you.  I'm already planning black and white canvas's of the kids for our upstairs hall.

Guess what.  GIVEAWAY!!  Yea!  You can win a 16x20 canvas from canvaspop!  You really can!  Enter below!

So, here's the deal:  The giveaway runs for a week, to give you plenty of time to enter.  It opens RIGHT NOW (May 5 2015) and closes next Tuesday (May 12 2015).  Enter using as many of the options as you want, one entry per option.  You must live in the US or Canada to win.  I will announce and email the winner on Wednesday May 13th, 2015.  The winner will receive one 16x20 canvas with a 0.75 inch frame and free shipping.

And for those who just can't wait to hear if you've won or not, use this code and get 35% off!  It's good until July 30th.  Go on!  Go do it!  (this can't be combined with any other discounts and is only available to orders shipped in the US and Canada)

You can find canvaspop on Facebook, instagram, pinterest and twitter

**Yes, you are correct.  I DID receive the 16x20 canvas from canvaspop in exchange for doing a review.  BUT all of the opinions expressed above are mine, mine, mine.  Yep, for real.  Mine alone.  I really do like canvaspop that much.  It's true.**

PS.  And since we sort of missed my blog's birthday in late February, we'll just consider THIS the party, mmmkay? 


Jesslyn said...

Leaving my comment for the contest! :) Since I couldn't make note of it in the contest widget, the blog reader I use to follow you is Bloglovin'. Thanks for such a cool giveaway!!

Unknown said...

I didn't even know you had a blog! Sweet! Well, I hope I win this print. :)

Megan said...

Love how your family picture turned out. You did a great job from picking outfits to shooting them in full sun and tears. Such a cute memory. Thanks for the code and hosting a giveaway too.

Jessica Y. said...

I would definitely use a family picture we took at Christmas! :)

Ashley Reece said...

I've always wanted a big print of one of our wedding pictures.

Annie Berntson said...

We're having family pictures taken next week so winning this giveaway would be so perfect! I can't wait to get some new pictures up on my walls!

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