This first gift from bug is the one that started them all. Once we finished these, we decided to go hog wild with the rest of the fam, too. As the title of this post implies, this is an idea for the grandparents. (Did you hear that grandparents?? STOP READING!)
These are super personalized, actual book-sized storybooks. Not a super novel idea, but we made them pretty special. And here's what you need to make them:
Plain white computer paperCard stock in your choice of colors (2 pieces)
Crayons or Markers (and a pen)
Washi Tape (what else??)
Really easy concept here.
1. Have your child think of a story with a particular grandparent in mind. Have him draw the pictures as he makes up the story.
2. If he seems to be telling the story, but skipping some key pictures, you can prompt him a little, but remember this should really come from him and be HIS creation.
3. Line your pages up on top of each other in order. Place them on top of one of the card stock pieces...
4. ...and draw a line across the top of the drawings on the card stock - to mark where to cut.
5. Do this with the other piece of card stock too.
6. Cut each piece to size.
7. Staple along the left side.
8. Lay washi tape over the top of the staples.
9. Trim the ends of the washi tape.
10. Fold the washi tape over to the back of the book and smooth it down. You've made a spine!
11. You can add another piece of washi tape to the front and a piece to the back to extend the spine a bit more and make it smoother.
12. The final step is to let your child illustrate the front cover, write the title and sign his name.
The Breakdown:
Kid Time - anywhere from 10 minutes to 2 days if you don't set a time limit. Or maybe that's just my kid.
Parent Time - about 5-10 minutes. It depends on how detailed he insists his stories be.
Total - about 10-15 minutes per book. I think we did all four in about 40 minutes, drawings and writing included.
Appropriate Age Range - 4 yrs. on up. My 3 yr old would have very little patience for creating an entire story, even though she likes drawing. But this was perfect for bug who loves making up stories; his passion for which is second only to his passion for drawing. Of course, the older the child, the less help needed from mom, which is nice. I don't really trust my 4 yr old with a stapler yet - I have memories of stapling my middle finger to a paper bag around that age.
I just had to share this picture... obviously this is a drawing of bug and his Grandma playing in the backyard when all of a sudden a pirate comes and steals him away.
And if your son is anything like my son, he'll beg you to read them - all of them - every single night. We may need to make more of these.
If you missed the introduction of this little series and want to know what it's about, just go here! And don't forget to link up your kids' Christmas stuff!

*Be sure to check the right sidebar for all the fun parties I link to!
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