Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Happy Wednesday GIVEAWAY!

It's CLOSED.  Thanks for entering!

You all entered Mandy's yarn-y giveaway last week, right?  She's picking a winner today!  Or, well, is.  If you didn't win, no need to fret, you can win some yarn goodness in our second giveaway!

That's right!  It's another giveaway, hosted right here!

And guess what??   There are THREE items up for grabs today!  That means THREE winners (chosen via will walk away with some yarn-y goodness!

Here they are:

So, would you like to win?  Great!  Leave me a comment and tell me which one.  No promises you'll get your top pick, but I'll try!

Other entries:
Follow me with GFC
Follow Mandipidy with GFC
Tell your friends - FB, that twitter thing, blog

Leave me seperate comments for each of the four things you do.  Thanks!

Giveaway ends April 4th.

*Be sure to check just below for all the fun parties I link to!


thechattymommy said...

My favorite are the cozy bangles.

thechattymommy said...

I follow you via gfc.

thechattymommy said...

I folow Mandy via GFC.

Mindie Hilton said...

I hate being the first person to leave comments, I almost always am, and the first person doesn't ever win. lol. Oh well since I am here,would love all three but really love the door hanger.

Kate @ said...

I love the twist tie necklace!


4 Lettre Words said...

Sooo cool! (Pick me.) LOVE the bracelets. (Pick me.) They are all great, tho! (Pick me.)

Julia said...

All great gifts!!!! You are really generous!

Unknown said...

i love them all! so its really no matter :)

Unknown said...

i follow you on gfc

Unknown said...

i follower mandipity too

Gypsy Chemist said...

great blog. Just subscribed with GFC

Gypsy Chemist said...

Bangles are my favorite of the three

Tamara said...

Love your site! I am excited for the chance to win the bangles :)

Tamara said...

I am also a follower through google reader

Muireann said...

I think they're all lovely, but I'd love to win the bangles. Thanks for the chance to win!

lisbonlioness said...

Oh my, I think I'd choose the bangles, especially since my attempt went so horribly wrong! :D Not nicking another entry, just to let you know I'll share your series on my FB for the yarny heck of it. Thanks for hosting a giveaway!

Nicole said...

I love the bracelets how did u make em?

Unknown said...

I'm loving all your creative yarn crafts! Those bangles are amazing!

Unknown said...

And I follow you and Mandipity as well :)

Blanca said...

Um, hello...your awesome! :)

All love it all but the bangles are my fav!!!


Blanca said...

I happily follow you through GFC! :)

Thanks! :)

Anonymous said...

I loveLoveLOVE the wreath!

Anonymous said...

And I've been following you for months. :)

Anonymous said...

I tweeted!
bigklittlea @ Twitter

Anonymous said...

And I'm now following Mandy too!

CK said...

I love em all, actually!

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