After living here for two years, we finally decided to tackle our yard. I mean TACKLE. We aren't gardeners. I have the opposite of a green thumb (a red one?). But we were afraid our neighbors would call someone to report our disgraceful display of landscapery. So we did a little planting. (we're planning on just doing a bit at a time - we don't want to bite off more than we can chew.) We thought the front bed would take us 1/2 day - tops. So. That's what our yard looked like on Saturday morning. And it continued to look like that all weekend long, as we moved rocks, replaced ground cover, weeded, dug up the prickly bush and pruned that huge green monster there.

mr used his muscles and helped me plant a bunch of bushy flowery things. (Yep, very technical, I know.)
Here's our itty bitty lilac. It's a "tinkerbell".
That is my very first EVER plant that I have planted (minus the tomatoes last summer. I don't know if that counts. I had lots of help. Thanks, Mom.)
We aren't even done yet. So, this turned into a loooong project. No surprise there.
On a side note, did you know that in order to get blue hydrangeas, you have to mix this into your soil?
I thought they just came like that.

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