Wednesday, September 3, 2014

WZWW #7 - A group effort

I don't know if I can really pick... there are just so many options... but this might be one of my favorites that she's pulled out of her closet.  And, yes, it IS another throwback - to last summer.  My gosh, she looks like a little baby doll... and now she's a super sassy, back-talking 4 yr old.  (I don't know about your kids, but mine don't hit the "terrible two's" until they're 3.5)

 Can you believe how cute this is?  Ok, so she didn't do this one ENTIRELY on her own, but almost.  She came out wearing just the top and I told her she needed some leggings under since we were going to the park.  She came down with jeggings.  A perfect choice.  I told her she needed a sweater just in case, since it was a tank top.  She fussed a bit, but eventually came down with the yellow sweater in hand.  Again, I approve.  As for the perfectly perfect shoes, I strongly encouraged them, because they are, well, perfect.  And she actually complied.  What can I say, you just can't ignore deeply rooted sense of fashion.

Tank Top: Carter's Brand, two-piece set bought at Sam's Club, $9.00
Sweater: Target, hand me down
Jeggings: Walmart, clearance, $2.50
Shoes: Old Navy, clearance, $9.00 

(More than I'd usually pay for kid shoes, but they are jellies.  With an open toe.  AND a big bow.  Seriously peeps.  Come on.)
(so, I've noticed throughout this "series" that I tend to splurge on her footwear more than anything else.  I wonder why that is?  Because I have such cute hand me downs from cousin K?  Because I can get most her clothes super cute from thrift stores for cheap?  I don't know...)

I wish I could dress this cute for around $20 total.

*Be sure to check below for all the fun parties I link to!*

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