
Sunday, August 21, 2011

My life is a zoo.

It's true.  My children are some kind of strange hybrid of monkey, chicken, elephant, grizzly and shrieking eel.  What would you call that do you think?  A monkickenelezzlyshrieel?  Or maybe a shrieking elemongrizen?  It's really the shrieking part that key anyway...

I was reminded of this when I took the kids to out little local zoo this past week.  That's where they belong.  They fit right in.  They're loud, somewhat smelly, and only occasionally potty trained.  Perfect.  Next time we go I may ask if they have room in the monkey cage for some room-mates.  

Want to check it out?  Ok.

Here're some child/zoo related pictures (and some not...)

Outside the zoo.  Arcs are Geometry, right?  Right???  The zoo is actually on the other side of this bridge and you have to walk by the arches on a small wooden bridge to get to the monkeys.  I told bug and mini that alligators live under the stone bridge and that's why there are bars over the arches.  
OK.  So, not animal in nature, but these ARE near the zoo... I just used a "watercolor brushstroke effect" on an online photo editor I found that I cannot remember the name of.
Hanging By a Thread
When I first saw this prompt I thought - "Oh, a self portrait!" since that is how I feel much of the time... but I went with this one - see all those little threads all over this flower?  Again, not animal or typical zoo here, but actually AT the zoo. So we're getting closer.

My monkeys at the zoo.  I've discovered I like photographing shadows.
On the Dotted Line
Me, relaxing at our little "beach" by the zoo.  Why this photo?  For some reason "on the dotted line" prompt in combination with the above close-up self-portrait, reminded me of a story from my past... one year I was at a church camp with a bunch of girls from my youth group at church.  It was my first year there, I was 12.  I woke up one night feeling like something was crawling on my face, and found one of the Youth Leaders, who was 16, next to me.  She told me she was just giving me a face massage and to go back to sleep.  I was dead tired and passed out without questioning.  In the morning I looked in the mirror to discover that she'd decided to play "connect the dots" with my freckles (of which there are many, especially in the summer) WITH RED PEN.  Nice.
And, since this picture post was supposed to be about the zoo and there are, in point of fact, no actual animals pictured here, how about this animal photo for the Paper Mama prompt, "Furry Friend."
The Paper Mama

bug, feeding the giraffe.  Although mini LOVES animals, almost too much, she decided this was much too close for comfort.

Ok.  Maybe I won't leave them at the zoo.  I'd miss them too much.

*Be sure to check just below for all the fun parties I link to!


  1. You have giraffes at your zoo and you get to feed them? Awesome! I love your geometry and hanging by a thread! Not nice to draw on your camper's face!

  2. the thing about the shrieking eels is, they always get louder when they're about to feed on human flesh.'s pretty loud around here too.

    plus, i don't swim. i only dog paddle.

  3. hi. beautiful photos!!! my son is a all of those animals as well- very tiring trying to keep up :) and i just love that close up of your freckles; you are much braver than me. i would probably never do a close up of mine lol. And WOW that giraffe picture is awesome!!

  4. I love your shots! The flowers are beautiful and the shot of the giraffe!

  5. Great collection, Kimberly! LOVE those hanging-from-a-thread blooms...and your freckles. :)

  6. These are really great - love hanging by a thread and your collage. Great perspective on the selfie too...oh and the last shot is a hoot!

  7. Oh my! I love that giraffe shot! Their tongues are so weird!

  8. what lovely captures! My favs are definitely geometry and dotted line.


bug, mini, pip mr and I love to hear from you. Like LOVE, love.