Sunday, October 10, 2010

All of these were accidents.

This week was a doozy and I paid no attention whatsoever to photos for challenges.  I figured I'd have to take a week off.  Imagine my surprise when I looked through the shots I had managed to take and realized that I actually DID have the entries for the scavenger hunt!  And lo and behold, trendy treehouse has a very manageable theme this week for me.

Go see the hunts at Ramblings and Photos!  Here are my Sunday Scavenger Hunt entries:


"pink in action"
tutus are great for turning somersaults, my niece taught me that.  I experimented with texture and lighting for this one, trying stuff I don't normally do.  I need some lessons.

"sneak attack"
I scared the pants off mr sneaking up on him to take this shot...  And yes, I know it's only one book.  I'm gonna have to redo this one for the October Hunt.

Fall Colors
"just a peek"
I was looking for flaming trees, but all I could find was a little spark...

I tried some new post processing here too.  I know... it's multiple leaves.  It's like the book shot, I interpreted loosely.  What I like about this processing - how the colors and highlights of the leaves stand out and how graphic the tree looks. What I don't like - the crop.  And the blurred edges.

the only time he slows is when he's sleeping...  He fell asleep in the car.  

And Trendy Treehouse's theme?  BABIES!  Heaven knows I have enough shots of that.  It was WAYYYYYY harder than I thought it would be... just because I had a hard time picking only one.


Baby Blues
oh, how big she's grown ALREADY!

And I found something new and fun, via paper mama.  It's called "Sunday Citar" over on Fresh Mommy."  The point is to share a favorite quote with everyone, so we can all get to know each other a little better.  I have a passion for words, so this seems right up my alley.  Paper mama combines her quote with a photo, here, which is where I got my idea.

As I looked through the snaps of a little impromptu family photo shoot my sister helped me with, this quote jumped to mind.

How true, Plato.  How true.


Anonymous said...

Fantastic! The tutu is too cute!

Anonymous said...

I love the somersault photo! The tutu is so sweet.

Tripps said...

another vote for that pink show. that is just full of awesomeness.

Unknown said...

Love your pink shot, very cute

My Kitchen Antics said...

those are really innovative pics esp pink..its lovely

Ashley Sisk said...

Great post...and it's funny how sometimes the photos are right in front of you! I love your orange shot - such a sweet moment. I'll actually have a hard time with babies since I don't have any of my own. Might have to dip into a recent photo session. Have a great week!

Ami Allison said...

WOW those are just amazing!! I was stopping by to tell you I linked back to you in my post today! :)

Anonymous said...


BTW, you've been tagged!

Joanna said...

LOL at your pink! And asleep in the carseat is just too precious :) Have a great week!

Ashley said...

Great shots! And that quote is hysterical, so true!

Unknown said...

LOved all the shots..but I heart the orange and the pink one...just wonderful...

Charmaine Poulin said...

Great shots! I love your fall colors, leaf & sunday citar the most!!!!

Erika B said...

Great baby shot! Love the light and the blue eyes.

Erika B

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