
Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Poor Man's Silk Screen

Long, long ago, in a land far away (called Utah), a super cute little family welcomed a new addition.  

In other words, some good friends of ours had a baby, their first girl.  This was months and months ago... but I'm just now getting around to posting the gift I made.

For this little present, I decided to try my hand at freezer paper stenciling - or "Poor Man's Silk-Screen."  This was my first time, and that led to a few Christmas presents, a birthday present and some holiday t-'s to be disclosed later.  

I started with the graphic T's.  I made the first two designs in picnik.  The first is a smiley face that simply says "smiley."  The second says "Little Miss Smiley" with a sunshine for the dot over the "i."  The third has a large sun with a cloud.  A few of the rays wrap around to the back and there is a small cloud right on the bum.  All that smiley stuff?  It's kind of a play on their name.  So I thought it was extra cute.  (Don't you love little designs on baby's bums?)

Then I made a simple, little skirt to match out of gray knit.  It's stretchy and comfy with an elastic waist.  Instead of hemming it, I sewed a lettuce edge around the bottom.  My sister taught me how to do the lettuce edge... I LOVE it.  Want to know how?  You'll have to check back later.

I also sewed some original Chubby Legs.  There are two made out of normal knit knee socks, one made out of thick cable knee socks, and one made out of some jersey-ish sweater arms.  I especially love the argyle.  Little legs are even cuter in leg warmers.  I just can't resist.

And what's an outfit without some hair bling?  I had to top it off with a stretchy little headband - with a rolled rose glued on.  (It was made out of left over argyle sock, so it matches!)  Then I made a soft headband out of a pair of knee high nylons.  It has a slit where you can clip on some barrettes.  I made four barrettes to clip on - three with matching rolled roses made out of scrap knits and leftover knee socks, and one with scrapbook flowers.  Love the button center...

If you haven't tried freezer paper stenciling, you should check out I am Momma, Hear Me Roar's video tutorial.  (If a video blog is a vlog, is a video tutorial a vutorial?)

And there you have it!  A baby gift - sent a little late, in true Kimberly fashion, and posted even later.

*Be sure to check just below for all the fun parties I link to!


  1. Totally. Vutorial. (Here come the men in little white coats...hee!)

    Love all your creations! The little tush cloud is my favorite. I have GOT to try this freezer paper thing, finally - thanks for the inspiration!

    Oh, and the lettuce edge skirt - so pretty!

  2. poor man's silk screen! ha!
    i love it!!!
    so, so cute. my last baby had a distinct lack of baby leg warmers...something i must remedy with five's arrival. :)


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