
Tuesday, August 28, 2012

A MOM Gift - Kim from A Girl and a Glue Gun

This blogger?  She never fails to make me laugh.  Or chortle.  Or at LEAST snicker.  She's funny.  She loves glue guns.  And she has killer ideas.  Her blog happens to be the second blog I ever started officially following.  Ever.  And not just because her name is great.
so i recently had a birthday..oh wait. Hi. my name is kim. (best name ever!) and i blog over at a girl and a glue gun...

and i recently had a birthday.(i will save you the rant about how i hate birthdays...)

but i had one. and you a's not like your birthday is really fantastical. i mean if someone's all you. you can't say, "sorry 3 year old. it's my birthday so clean it up yourself." and one thing that i really wanted was to NOT cook dinner.

and i thought that would be the best present ever. it's not so much the cooking i hate. it's the scrubbing of pans and all the clean up required with it.

So i give you...the best present for mom's...

it {of course} includes paper plates and dishes here!!!! some people are just hard to shop for...this is one present that will never be returned!

the dollar store has loads of's a must..remember the no clean up part of this present?
i made some chicken enchiladas....cause i'm not much for casseroles....
and just wrote the instructions on the plastic lid...
tie up with some pretty paper and napkins...
and don't forget the treat! (this is a great one cause if they are going out to dinner for said birthday it refrigerates well and can be heated up the next day)

chicken enchiladas:
you buy some chicken..and put it in an enchilada.

okay. not really.
1 can cream of chicken
3/4 cup sour cream
One fourth cup salsa
Grated cheese
Green onions to taste
Chicken (cooked and shredded)

Spoon into flour tortilla shells. Spread remaining mixtures over enchiladas and cover with cheese

Bake 20 min at 350 degrees.

i made this little thank you package for my friend who babysat my dog all week...

(basket from dollar store...the red tupperware has some knock off cafe rio sweet pork...then some cheese and tortilla shells 
lasagna also would be great 
and THIS pizza casserole is awesome and VERY kid friendly and not really a casserole at all...

and luckily pinterest if full of yummy things to make!

like this doritio casserole

or this chicken cordon blue

and we've made this broccoli tator tot casserole...two thumbs by the fam

and this link has 6 casserole dishes that you can make and freeze. you could do all your cooking on one day and not have to do it again for a week!

now...realistically, i know some people aren't  big casserole fans. kinda the feeling of throwing everything in a pyrex dish.
BUT you can really do this with any kind of food

AND if you wanted to do a little something extra for their could give their birthday dinner in an etched pan
i could be all mature and do the last name...
but i never claimed i was mature.

 now..i leave you with a link to my cousins food pinterest board she's got a ton of great recipes linked up...
and mine is really all just desserts. cause that is where my heart chocolate.

and if you have a great recipe...leave it in the comments! we all love new dishes!

thanks kim for having me!

Guaranteed I'll be doing this for future birthdays.  Why I didn't come up with this for one of my "Yummy Monday Gift it." posts is beyond me.  Brilliant, I tell you.  Thanks, Kim!  (It really is the best name...)

*Be sure to check the right sidebar for all the fun parties I link to!

1 comment:

  1. This is a freaking awesome idea!! i will do this next time i need to thank my mum for anything!! and you guys are so funny :)

    love K


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