
Thursday, October 20, 2011

The Li'l Pun'kin Herself.

I couldn't let another Halloween pass by without making my little pumpkin some holiday inspired hair things.  And though I don't have a photo tutorial for these, either (is that a theme, lately?) they are also super cinch-y and you will have no problem figuring it out from the mini photoshoot below.  

So, in a nutshell, this is what you do:
1.  Cut two pieces of orange ribbon, a little over an inch or so (depending on how big you want your final pumpkin to be.
2.  Cut one piece of green ribbon, about an inch long.
3.  Cut another piece of green ribbon long enough to cover your alligator clip barrette.

4.  Take an orange piece and hot glue the ends together in a loop.  Take the other orange piece and and loop it over the first one, going perpendicular to it.  Hot glue the ends of the second piece to the bottom of the hot glued area of the first piece.

5.  Hot glue the ends of the short green ribbon together in a loop.  Squeeze the top to make it slightly pointy-ish.  Hot glue this to the top of the top orange ribbon.

6.  Hot glue the longer green piece around your barrette, overlapping the ends of the barrette and hot gluing the ribbon ends over to the inside of the barrette.

7.  Hot glue the pumpkins to the covered barrettes and you're done!  Make two pumpkins for your pumpkin and stick her little hair in braids!

And although this isn't a pumpkin, I thought I'd kill two birds with one stone and show you these little candy corn barrettes as well!  (I like them better than the pumpkins, to tell the truth, but it's pumpkin week, not candy corn week.  Wait a minute... (light bulb for next year)).

1.  Just cut pieces of yellow, orange and white.  
2.  Fold your white piece in half and glue the ends.  
3.  Fold your yellow ribbon in half, overlapping the glued ends of the white ribbon, and glue.
4.  Wrap the orange ribbon around the middle (going the opposite direction, as you can see) and hot glue the ends together on the bottom.
5.  Wrap your alligator clip as before.
6.  Hot glue your little candy corn bow to the barrette.
7.  Done!

Obviously, that seventh step isn't really a seventh step, but it felt wrong when the previous "tutorial" had 7 steps to just leave this one hanging.
And there you have it.  Halloween Hair Thingies for your pumpkin and mine.

And, wouldn't you know it, there are about a million little pumpkin-y hair clips out there, now all pinned on my pumpkinspiration board on pinterest.

Like this:
and this:
Very cute.

You'd think that would be the end of this post, wouldn't you?  But you'd be wrong.  I thought I'd share these out-takes with you, just because I find them hilarious.

I call this series "Conversations with a not-quite-two-yr-old".

*Be sure to check just below for all the fun parties I link to!


  1. OMG! Love those little pumpkins!! And the candy cooooorns!! So. Cute.

  2. Oh my gosh! Your little punkin is adorable! And, so are her bows!

  3. I was laughing out loud to your word thoughts on the photos of your adorable punkin. She is a keeper. I just LOVE the hair pieces!

  4. What cute abstract pumpkins! I'm going to see my grandbabies before Hallowe'en too!
    Found you through 'Glue Gun Kim'. :o)

  5. They are so cute! Love their abstractness. I'll have to mke a set fir my granddaughter since I doubt my daughter would have the 'fun' guts to wear them to work. Maybe one for me?

  6. I found you thanks to the So You Think You Can Sew contest...I love your sense of humor!

    And on that note....Not o was I literally LOLing at your comments on the last pictures, your little one reminds me SO MUCH of my youngest! Same color blonde (but mine has curls), same blue eyes. SAME expressions!! hahahahaha Same photo shoot issues!
    BTW, over the years of taking pics of my kids, I find that having them rested, and fed prior to pics, plus bribery during pics works wonders! :-D


bug, mini, pip mr and I love to hear from you. Like LOVE, love.