
Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Hey!  Remember how I said I'd be back later with some other stuff?  Well, I was thinking something crafty, you know maybe a tutorial or something...  

But then this little missy,

who will not sit still EVER,

went and had a little incident.  That involved this.

Yes, those are two staples.  In my baby's head.  Holding her gaping head wound together.

You'll forgive me for not getting my tutorial up, right?

(Sorry if that was too graphic...)

*Be sure to check just below for all the fun parties I link to!


  1. awwww :( poor baby and mommy! Get some rest!

  2. OH NO! What on earth happened? STAPLES IN THAT PRECIOUS HEAD??????? I think I am feeling faint.

    My youngest recently caught her chin on the bath tub and I started seeing spots when I saw actual TISSUE! But they just used the super glue stuff. BUT STAPLES? Oh my word. And are forgiven.
    Poor girl. :(

  3. Yikes!! That looks so painful, your poor little miss. Hope everything is ok over there!

  4. POOR baby!! :)
    I wish her all the best! :)

  5. Oh precious baby! She's way more important than a tutorial. Sending healing vibes.

  6. Oh My! Not good. hope all is better.


bug, mini, pip mr and I love to hear from you. Like LOVE, love.