
Friday, March 18, 2011

Probably the coolest thing I've ever done.

Ok.  I have been super duper excited for about a month now.  I've been wanting to spill the beans on a fun collaborative project I've been working on with another blogger, but amazingly I've managed to keep my tongue... er... fingers in check.  But the time has come.  

I am thrilled, pumped, elated, and just generally doing a little happy dance as I present to you:

That's right.  Mandy (from Mandipidy) and I are pleased to bring you a brand new original series entitled: Yarn it all!

What's this all about - you ask?  Well, I'll tell you.

I like yarn a lot.  It's great for wreaths, and sweaters and hats and shoelaces (maybe?) and all sorts of fun things!  But I cannot, for the life of me, knit.  I can crochet a single chain (is that what it's called?) and MAYBE the most basic of blankets.  That is all.  BUT MANDY, on the other hand, is a wiz with the crochet hooks!  She's a crochet queen!  Put us together and what do you get??  

30 awesome, original, YARN projects with tutorials and tips!  That's right!

Over the next two weeks, both Mandy and I will be posting 15 projects - mine crafty and hers crochet, uh, -y.  To make it super easy on everyone to view both of our daily projects, we'll have buttons at the end of each post that will take you to the other blog.  You can follow along with both of us and whether you are crochet challenged (like me) or a crochet queen (like her) you'll have tons of great ideas for your growing to-do lists.

But that's not all!  (tell us what they get, Kimberly!)

You also have the chance to enter not one but TWO giveaways offered during the course of our series - one on Mandipidy and one right here.  Stay tuned for more info on that!

Wait - there's MORE!!  (How could there be MORE, Kimberly?!?)

I know, I know, it's just too awesome.  

We know there are tons of talented folks out there who love to use yarn like ourselves.  So why not let you show off YOUR yarn projects as well?  Well, ok!  You ask, we deliver.  To kick off the series we will open up a "Yarn it all!" linky party where you are welcome to link up any and all of your yarn-related projects.  The linky party will be open throughout the ENTIRE SERIES!  That gives you all TWO WHOLE WEEKS to link up your yarn projects.  And why else is this so cool?  Because to end the whole series with a major bang, both Mandy and I will be featuring our favorite projects on our blogs!  

So get your yarn untangled and hop to!

The party begins tomorrow, March 19th.  Daily yarn projects will be posted until April 2nd.  The Yarn it All Linky party will also run from March 19th until April 2nd.  Favorite projects from the party will be featured on Monday, April 4th.  Look for the giveaway posts within those two weeks, as well.  

(ps - if you want to have a tutorial featured on MY blog, link up, link up!  I'm on the lookout!)

Yea for yarn!

*Be sure to check just below for all the fun parties I link to!


  1. FIRST!!!!!!!!

    Ok, you gotta excuse me, I'm just now dorkily getting into saying first. I've done it for 3 days in a row. At some point, I suppose it will get old.

    Found my way here via Mandy's blog, and first thing I clicked on was your "me, myself & i" page . . . and thought, before I read anything, "OMG I LOVE HER". See, I'm working on building up/re-doing my blog and have been thinking about how I like to write a lot but tend to cut my entries down, also that I'd want my "about me" page would probably end up with more than one little paragraph. So seeing your story (which sounds a lot like my stories) made me happy. Kind of feel I have permission to be myself. Silly, I know.

    Anyway - I'm a knitter, but wanna be crocheter, so I hope to learn some great stuff during this series.

  2. Exciting! Maybe this will help me clear out the GIANT TUB (we're talking huge, here) of yarn I found out I had when I cleaned out the nursery. Having it all in one place is nice, but hubby asked fewer questions when he didn't know just how much I had! :)

  3. I will be sure to link up, I love yarn, I think I am part kitty. lol

  4. SO much fun! I just picked up a bunch of brightly colored yarn at a thrift store so I'm excited to see how I can use it!

  5. Ooh, looks so fun! I definitely fall into the 'challenged' category, looking forward to seeing everything!

  6. I am super excited! I make hats for kids :-) FUN! Can't wait to show it off! ;)


bug, mini, pip mr and I love to hear from you. Like LOVE, love.