
Monday, July 12, 2010

and in other news...

The sweet Jenn from Delicious Ambiguity has given me a blog award!  It's my first.

I won't mince words here, just say a BIG THANK YOU! to Jenn.  You're sweet and I'm honored!  Check out her blog for some stellar ideas for the kiddos.

And now, I'm supposed to give this award to 12 other bloggers that spread sunshine.  And here they are:

rules: thank the person who gave it to you, pass it on to 12 blogs that spread sunshine.  Easy, right?

And I'd also like to use this as an opportunity to thank all of you who follow this little blog of mine.  It makes me feel warm and fuzzy when I see your pictures over there on my sidebar and when I read your thoughtful comments.  Plus, it makes me feel a little less like I'm talking to myself - and therefore, less insane.

1 comment:

bug, mini, pip mr and I love to hear from you. Like LOVE, love.